It’s been a great and relaxing weekend here so far with an easy run in the cool air this morning, shopping, seeing Thor with hubby, playing Mario Odyssey like a kid, and great eats. And we got rain! Just enough make the air crisp and fresh and give us this beautiful sunset last night as the clouds cleared.
The extra hour has been blissful too, I slept in this morning and giddy to see I had an hour more of relax time. Miko has been enjoying his warm blanket and snooze time with the chilly weather.
And sweet hubby surprised me with a bouquet of sunflowers to brighten up the kitchen.
They’re probably my favorite flower and I love that they grow everywhere here in the summer.
But this time of year brings Silk Nog to brighten up coffee with holiday cheer.
I was so excited when I found this at Target last weekend, it’s never too early for this holiday treat to show up in stores!
I also found Dave’s Gourmet Creamy Ginger Citrus hot sauce and grabbed it when I saw the happy vegan label on it.
It’s delicious in an avocado blender dressing and great for dipping roasted potatoes, veggies, and chips with the perfect amount of heat with playful and slightly sweet ginger citrus flavor.
It has also been a week of enjoying winter squash, Gardein vegan “chicken” nuggets, and comforting miso soup with veggies and edamame spaghetti.
I also had my favorite vegan wonton soup with yellow noodles from Pho Vegan Asian Cuisine.
I used one of my favorite Trader Joe’s vegan sauces in a simple veggie stir fry – Island Soyaki.
It’s low cal and so easy for quick stir fries with a bright and savory soy citrus flavor.
We also stepped out to try a new vegan/vegetarian Indian restaurant – Mylapore. The vegan menu had so many options it was a bit overwhelming!
We started with the vegetable samosas served with tamarind and mint sauces which was delicious.
Hubby got the spicy dosa and I got puffy bread with chickpea curry. The dishes were great, reasonably priced and surprisingly filling.
And I had a hearty comfort meal last night with Dijon roasted potatoes and steamed broccoli.
I had to share with Miko since he’s a fan of both. It was such a nice weekend, boo on it being over. But let’s end it with good reading.
This is pretty big news from Campbell’s and seemingly positive sign of the times.
Dynamic Running Therapy is a thing, a good thing.
PR Queen Roxy Jacenko is going vegan.
This awesome vegan business is doing great things.
17 helpful tricks to become vegan.
Another reason to watch Stranger Things 2.
This NPR article explores growing the vegan movement.
Crissie says
All your eats look so amazing! I know I’ve been away a bit, but I love the links at the end of your blog for “more to read fun”. Hope you get to enjoy lovely fall weather for many weeks to come!
christine says
Aw, thanks and glad you’re back! Me too on the fall weather, more rain this week maybe.
Laura ~ Raise Your Garden says
Awww, I love how your hubby bought you sunflowers, a favorite of mine as well. And yes, it’s been pouring here every. single day. Raise won’t stop!
christine says
Thanks and yes, he is so sweet! Ugh on the rain, hope you get a break from it soon!
Jennifer Bliss says
I’m sooooo jealous of all of the awesome food I’m seeing here! LOL
I’m also pretty obsessed with Stranger Things and have already watched the 2nd season! YAY!!!
christine says
Aw, thanks! :-) Me too on Stranger Things, only 2 episodes left on season 2 and I’m trying not to rush through it which isn’t working out, lol!
Hannah says
Yes, I’m so excited for nog season! I just need to hunt down a few more brands, since I’m planning a big head-to-head review rematch this year… Can’t wait!
christine says
Me too and the chance of even more varieties this year!
Gingi Freeman says
Ahhhhhh, send some of that rain my way!!! I am missing rain soooo badly here in Central California! –
christine says
Me too, we’re supposed to get more next week hopefully!
Ellie Pell says
My friend got Silk Egg Nog and I’m not a fan so I won’t be enjoying it. I tried but I just don’t like the flavor.
Great links and eats as usual Christine :-)
christine says
Bummer, I am a fan of anything nog flavor. Thanks on the links!
Linda from Veganosity says
This is such a mood boosting post. Love it! And thanks for the great links!
christine says
Thanks and yes, we need more mood boosting lately! :-)