While driving to work yesterday, I caught a story on NPR about climate change and the drastic changes we need to make now so the next generation has a chance to be happy. Nothing really new, but I found myself feeling the same way I have been on long runs lately – feeling like I’m gasping for air breathing shallow and maybe a little light headed. A mild panic attack maybe? I have noticed that I’ve been having a hard time avoiding negative thoughts on long runs and in general lately. Apparently work and life stress and a constant stream of media negativity is getting to me more than I thought. I’m not sure where I’m going with this or what that means, but I think taking a nice long break from my Facebook feed, the news, politics, and other sources of negativity is needed. And working to focus on the positives more in life and trying to be a positive force myself more. Like Miko, who is always a happy, cuddly, Netflix buddy.
Sunday we had another family gathering at my sister’s house since my dad is in town. Our simple throw together last minute meal consisted of Asian themed salad, vegan polenta, and a Field Roast Hazelnut Cranberry Roast we contributed from our freezer.
I love that we can usually find that vegan roast on sale after the holidays, such a great, hearty vegan option to have ready for last minute family parties.
I did finally make it to Trader Joe’s after work yesterday and after battling rush hour traffic to get there and crowds, I was in no mood to make a big deal out of dinner. So thank goodness for Tofurky Italian Vegan Sausage.
It worked well chopped up in a simple saute with onions and zucchini seasoned with tamari sauce.
Tonight’s simple dinner involved one of my favorite staples – Trader Joe’s Organic Tempeh.
I usually buy at least 3 packages on each shopping trip since my patience for the crowds at our local Trader Joe’s has been seriously limited lately. I chopped it up and created a simple oil free stir fry with veggies using Trader Joe’s Organic Spaghetti Sauce.
Simple, hearty, and filling.
I’ll admit, I am feeling a little drained this week still catching up from a busy few weeks, getting a jury duty summons in the mail has not helped! But I’m thankful for fast, mostly whole foods meals that come together in less time then the drive thru. Hope everyone is having a great week!
If I had to guess I’d say that those are panic attacks. I’ve had them in the past and I had the same symptoms. Shallow breathing, can’t get air to the bottom of my lungs, dizziness, and feelings of doom. I went to my doctor because I thought there was something seriously physically wrong with me. After extensive testing she said she thought they were panic attacks. She told me to practice yoga breathing and to apply them when I experienced shallow breathing. It totally worked. I’ve only had a few of those attacks over the years, and I’m always surprised because I don’t think that I’m stressed when they happen. I’m good at masking my emotions. Anyway, stress can totally make running difficult, especially when running turns into a job. You’re smart to mix your cardio up with other workouts. Feel better!
Thanks for the advice, sounds like that’s exactly what’s happening and it’s so weird and unexpected. I guess work and everything else has been getting to me even though I told myself it wasn’t. Breathing is helping and I’ve been focusing on more yoga moves and stretching at the gym. Also switching up music has been good too.