I am feeling much better and even had two decent training runs at the gym and a just okay long run outside today. The weather has not been very spring-like the last few days with chilly rain and storms. Since we’re getting sunshine today, we had to take advantage of that for yard work and long dog walks.
Or long sessions of stopping every few feet to let Leela sniff more – she has become more aggressive about sniffing everything since she started having vision issues.
She was so wiped out after today’s walk she stuffed herself in her “deep dish” bed for a few hours.
Miko played king of the bed mountain as I rearranged pet beds to wash them.
It’s been an interesting week with simple eats and I really need to restock at Trader Joe’s soon. I threw together a basic tofu oil free stir fry with veggies after crazy day.
The purple carrots turned the tofu purple too – pretty!
I also got creative with more of Imagine Foods Organic Red Bliss Soup.
By toasting dry quinoa in a wok, then adding liquid to cook. Once cooked, I added in chopped veggies and Tofurky sausage, then stirred in the rest of the potato soup, dash of liquid smoke, and pepper for an interesting one pot meal. It was delicious!
The quinoa had a nutty flavor, the soup added a creamy, gooey texture and the smokey flavor made it wonderful.
Last night we had a fun, casual family gathering at my sister’s house with our usual family tradition of a taco bar. I brought simple cooked lentils and onion for a pretty veggie lentil taco with hot sauce.
And used the leftover lentils to through together a lentil, tomato, and broccoli stew for lunch today.
Not a bad weekend at all and so thankful to be feeling better and looking forward to creating recipes this week.
The List:
Some surprises on this list of vegan friendly cities.
4 great sources to plant-based protein to include.
Lots of vegan Easter recipe ideas.
Satisfying and light plant based recipes.
Here’s an inspirational vegan story.
And an inspirational running story.
Ways to make running feel easier.
I love it when there’s a break in the rain to get the pups out walking. It’s on and off raining here too and it’s been tough. Leela is so cute, it’s so great you get her out walking to keep her fit.
I enjoyed many of the links you shared. I’m thinking of downloading more podcasts to get my running easier. :)
Me too and we’re getting some breaks this week thankfully. Thanks on Leela, she is a sweetie.
That’s great about podcasts, I need to start looking for more too and refresh my playlists.
Toasting quinoa is kind of magical. It instantly transforms it into something so much more flavorful, and I think it slightly improves the texture, too. The wonders of that tiny grain will never cease!
So true, it completely changes the flavor and texture and I’ve been getting daring with the level I’ve been toasting it.
It’s stormy here today and the pups won’t stop burying themselves under the blankets. Thankfully I got their walk in and my run before the sky opened up. Thanks for the great links!
Ugh, we heading back into a few days of rain and storms too – not looking forward to trying to get them outside.