I gotta admit I am wiped this week! I guess that’s to be expected this far into marathon training, I’m glad I’m tapering my long run this weekend before taking on the 20-miler next since I taking it a little easy resting pains here and there after Sunday’s 18-miler. And I’m starting to look forward to things settling down after the marathon … if they will before the holidays. I’m still keeping eats easy and fairly healthy with whole foods with the final intense mileage weeks and grabbed a simple stir fry sauce at Trader Joe’s last night – Island Soyaki.
I looked at other vegan sauces, but many had a lot of sugar and 100+ calories per serving which is a little crazy for a sauce. But this only has 25 calories per servings being mainly soy sauce and fruit juice with a tangy ginger flavor. I sauteed it with chopped broccoli, steamed spaghetti squash, and chopped tempeh for a fun, but healthy meal.
I’m also still on a huge potato kick using chopped fresh potatoes of any kind in simple dishes.
Tonight I simmered them in a wok with a little water with chickpeas, kale, and carrots seasoned with dill, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and nutritional yeast for a simple 15 minute dinner.
And loved it! The potatoes still had a firm, hearty texture while being soft and it made for a satisfying dinner.
I had to share carrots and potatoes with the pups of course, Leela actually begs for more than Miko now when she was not such a fan earlier.
She’s finally adapting to a healthier diet and not being such a picky eater.
Aw, so kind of you to share your home cooking with your lucky pups. That photo is priceless!
Thanks, sharing healthier foods with them is cheaper than the oddly processed dog treats!
YES!! Teriyaki ANYTHING is amazing… I really wish we had a Trader Joes around here.. :-( – http://www.domesticgeekgirl.com
Agreed, I am a fan of their simple sauces.
I love when pups like to eat veggies.
Me too, I feel so much better about them eating more veggies and whole foods.