Happy Sunday! It’s been a lazy weekend for Miko, lots of lounging and sleeping between long walks.
It was a bit of a traumatic weekend for Leela, I found a huge tick on her neck that I had to remove. Poor sweetie was a good little patient and got a handful of coconut treats after.
Boo on the weekend being almost over, I have a bit of the Sunday blues after many busy weeks in a row at work. I treated myself to a great lunch Friday at Baagan of my favorite jalapeno chana chickpea wrap.
And a great oatmeal raisin cookie from Alternative Baking Company.
We also stepped out for a great spicy Thai dinner.
This sweet and sour tofu dish with cucumbers was delicious!
Of course we stopped to Grocery Outlet after the gym Saturday where I loaded up on discounted very ripe organic bananas.
And found other fun goodies to try.
I prepared this tasty Near East quinoa blend I scored for dinner with a can of organic kidney beans.
It took about 20 minutes to cook, but made a tasty and hearty dinner.
This morning I had a sweet, chocolaty pre-run smoothie with Chocolate Vega Protein and Greens, hemp seeds, greens, carrots, and frozen banana.
Great fuel for a decent 7-mile easy run before it started getting too hot.
I felt pretty good after this run and a 3.34 mile run at the gym yesterday, but still adjusting to more weekly running workouts and the minor aches and pains as I find a good rhythm to balance them in. I should be up to 5 runs a week by the end of this month rotating pace, workouts, and shoes. Hopefully I can stay injury free!
I topped a simple plate of organic greens with the chilled kidney bean quinoa leftovers for a hearty post run meal.
And will be stepping out with hubby to have a fun evening before facing another busy work week. It’s been a great week of runs, a trying week at work, and has got us thinking we need to plan another fun vacation soon to look forward to. I did have some time to do a little reading and put together a fun and inspiring list!
Dr. Greger gives us more evidence that beans are amazing. And posted this amazing and long How Not To Dies presentation.
Thanks to Kendrick Yahcob Farris, I’m excited Olympic weightlifting.
Vegan Hilaria Baldwin makes pregnancy look good.
Ariana Grande talks about her vegan diet and fitness.
Identify and prevent running injuries with this info graphic.
7 ways to make running a habit.
I want to see this running documentary.
5 ways to boast your confidence.
This cauliflower recipe looks amazing.
How was your week?
That sweet & sour tofu dish looks delicious. I need to start eating tofu! And my fam loves near east nice, pricey but super tasty. Hope you had a great weekend!!!
It was a great quinoa blend and simple to make. Thanks and you too!