Good news, Friday is almost here! And we’re still getting spaghetti squashes from our garden, I pulled two more along with a funky cucumber and eggplant yesterday.
We only planted two spaghetti squash plants, but they’ve been producing like crazy unlike my kale or tomato plants this year. It’s been an odd year with the drought and heat in California. Next year I think I want to try growing sweet potatoes because I love them, but never seem to remember to buy them. What’s that about? They’re so great just to chop up and toss into hearty, curry winter stews or simply bake with a little vinegar and seasonings, no oil is needed for this simple recipe!
Oil Free Fall Sweet Potato Wedges
- 3 medium sweet potatoes cut into wedges
- 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
- seasonings of choice (smoked paprika, smokey blend, onion powder, curry, etc.)
- salt and pepper to taste
Preheat over to 375 degrees. Toss sweet potatoes in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Place on a baking mat or non-stick paper and bake for 30-40 minutes, until edges are crispy.
This recipe is a fun opportunity to experiment with seasonings and toss in as little or as much as you want. Maybe even squirt a little sriracha in!
I used a Silpat baking mat which is one of my favorite tools for oil free baking and baked for about 35 minutes, until the edges were just crispy enough.
I paired them with a hearty kale salad for a veggie loaded dinner.
And really liked the texture of the baked wedges, slightly crispy outsides with a creamy center, very good.
Delicious dipped in a blend of organic ketchup and sriracha.
And they also make great dog treats because Miko made it clear we needed to share.
Leela acted unimpressed, but ate quite a few herself.
Try this simple, oil-free comfort side!
I love the simplicity of this recipe. No-oil is totally the way to go. When I realized how much oil was influencing my diet, it kind of scared me! My garden collection looks so much like yours, funky cucumber and all. The spaghetti squash has been great. Do you ever put a red sauce on it with garlic? Recipes for that please =)
Thanks and agreed on no oil, I try to avoid using it as much as possible at home and only splurge for special occasions.
Yes, I’ve done that with spaghetti squash and it’s delicious!
LOL at the pups pics! Cute! Those are great veggies you got from your garden, too! YAY! The final product looks great!
Thanks and thanks on the veggies.
Did you leave the skins on? I’ve never done that with sweep potatoes, but they look great. Thanks for the recipe.
Yes, these were organic sweet potatoes from our farm box so I didn’t worry about the skins. And I’ve read the skins also contain a lot of nutrients.
Simple & delicious, the perfect combination; I’ve bookmarked it to try! Cute pups! :D
Thanks! I’m a fan of simple for weeknights!
You can really do no wrong with sweet potatoes, and the simpler, the better! My default answer to any vegetable prep is to just throw it in the oven and roast it. Never fails or disappoints. :)
Very true, I appreciate simpler recipes with sweet potatoes.