That rear end sticking out from under the blanket is Leela.
She’s been in a cranky mood the last couple of days with a sniffly cold and having to compete with Miko and my mom’s dog for attention. And I’m in a cranky mood with work being busy, so busy that even I’m almost too drained to hit the gym after! So we’re trying to relax when we can here and take extra special care of each other.
Smokey is ready for lot of attention on the other hand. She’s been following me around the house meowing and happy to sit on us first thing in the morning.
I’m happy to have leftovers from our casual family Superbowl gathering, but fresh hummus does not have a long fridge life and I have two huge containers to use up fast! Luckily it can make a simple and delicious salad dressing quickly.
Balsamic Hummus Dressing
- 1/4 cup hummus
- 2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
- 1 tsp. garlic powder
- 2 tbsp. nutritional yeast
- 1/4 cup water
- salt and pepper to taste
Whisk all ingredients with a fork in a small bowl. Serve and enjoy! Makes 4 servings.
So simple and fast to whisk together, perfect for a busy weeknight.
And great on a meal spinach salad with steamed lentils and classy purple carrots.
The dressing has a tangy and creamy balsamic flavor with a thick texture and would work with many varieties of salad veggie combos.
Now I need to make a guacamole dressing to use up leftover guac!
I thought dogs didn’t get colds? If I was given false information then I now know why Gizmo was coughing and snorting so much last week. Poor Leela, I hope she’s better soon.
I’ve never used hummus to make a salad dressing. Brilliant! It looks so good.
Two of my favorites foods hummus n balsamic yay