Miko goes through toys, lots of toys, and usually by ripping holes in them so big a sewing machine can’t save them. He even brings his toys to bed and pouts when he leaves them in the backyard until we open the door so he can go get it. He’s a happy camper with his new stuffed pig carrying it all over the house and protecting it while sleeping.
Hopefully this one will last longer than a couple of weeks!
And hopefully I’ll last through this busy week at work. Hubby surprised me last night by planning and preparing a vegan dinner! He marinated firm tofu “steaks”, dipped them in a little cornstarch, and pan fried them.
The texture came out nice and crispy for his first attempt at frying tofu.
We served it with steamed broccoli and a couple of dipping sauces for the tofu.
The texture of the tofu was perfect, crispy on the outside, but soft on the inside. But we’re still working on perfecting the flavor and maybe kicking up the marinade with more spices next time. But a man that can prepare vegan meals is sexy and I could get used to having dinner prepared for me!
Tonight we played dueling chefs in the kitchen while I threw together a new avocado dressing with a tangy basil flavor.
Avocado Basil Dressing
- 1 avocado, seeded and scooped
- 1 cup of packed basil leaves
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 tsp. spicy mustard
- 1/4 cup water
- salt and pepper to taste
Place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend to a smooth and creamy texture. Makes 4 servings.
The texture is very thick and creamy, just how I like it for coating a hearty salad. But you can add more water to loosen it up. I love the vibrant green color, wow.
I worked the thick dressing into a huge salad of romaine lettuce, carrots, tomato, peppers, apple, and lots of hemp seeds to create a meal salad.
The dressing has a savory and tangy basil flavor with a nice little garlic kick while not being too strong.
It can coat a large salad and stay in the fridge for a couple of days of easy meals.
Jennifer says
Awesome! That dressing sounds wonderful and I think I have EVERYTHING in house to try and make it! Woot!
Your husband made some brownie points, there, eh!? How sweet!~The Tofu looks good! Can’t wait to see what else you guys come up with for the tofu!
AND…the cute lil chi and the toy! Awwwww! We can only do ‘balls’ in our house anymore! Ours trash everything else within 5 mins! Oye!
christine says
Thanks, it’s simple, but has a wonderfully tangy basil flavor. True on hubby, I love that he’s experimenting more with vegan foods. I stocked up on more organic tofu and tempeh from Trader Joe’s for him to experiment with. :-)
Chris Newald says
The avocado dressing looks fantastic. It’s funny but it’s always hit and miss with avocado and me. I don’t particularly like it raw but I love it mixed in with other foods. I’ve never tried it in a dressing but it does look good. Thank you for the recipe and tonight’s dinner idea!
christine says
Thanks. :-) It takes on a nice and creamy texture in this dressing, like a sour cream based dressing with a tangy and savory flavor.
Ali says
Funny, I almost tried an avocado basil dressing last night but decided at the last minute on a more conventional pesto sauce instead.
My husband has gotten more into cooking in the last year and sometimes we cook together, I find it really fun!