Happy Saturday! For a short week at work, it felt long after working a full day on New Year’s Eve and spending most of New Year’s Day working on the house. But glad we got a lot accomplished and feeling productive is a great way to start the new year. And this weekend is already shaping up to be busy, I woke up at 5 AM this morning and could not get back to sleep for some reason – ugh! I’ve been running around a lot the last few days, not juicing, starting sprouts, or creating recipes as I’d like to be. Instead, I’ve been working through a car project that I can’t wait to write more about and I’m on call for work. And it’s been freezing here this week with low temps in the 20s and plenty of frost making for some interesting, but pretty runs outside. But keeping us busy covering fruit trees in our backyard. In all my de-cluttering last year I found we had no old sheets or blankets to cover the trees with and had to use our spare bed sheets – whoops!
Hubby and I are still having a blast with our new pressure cooker, we’ve used it three times so far and it will be getting a lot more use with the stash of dried beans and grains in our pantry. I kept putting off cooking the beans due to the cook time and planning, but that’s not a problem anymore! In our last farm box, we got a bunch of cute little sweet potatoes.
So I decided to try JL’s Pressure Cooker Mashed Sweet Potatoes, I was sold with the 6-minute cook time.
The recipe is amazingly simple and I decided to keep the skin on the potatoes since they’re organic and I liked the added texture.
It paired perfectly with a salad and the leftovers are great reheated the next day.
Because I’ve been running around and keeping busy with work the last few days, we’ve been eating out a lot too – not good for the budget, I know. But I love an opportunity to support Baagan, a great high raw vegan restaurant that serves salads, soups, banana soft serve, sandwiches, and amazing kale chips.
That little bag never lasts long for me! I also got their veggie quesadilla with a spicy vegan “cheesy” sauce.
This is like heaven to me because I adored Taco Bell quesadillas back in my not-so-healthy, non-vegan days. Unlike Taco Bell’s version, this one is packed with fresh veggies and a layer of greens keeping the gooey, cheesy sauce inside and it’s just fabulous. I could have it for lunch every day and not get tired of it I think!
And I never get tired of Thai food, especially since there are so many Thai restaurants in this area offering vegan and vegetarian options for cheap! Hubby and I tried a new place last night where I got the sweet and sour tofu stir fry with pineapple.
Fabulous, but spicy. I ordered a level 3 spice which is much higher for this place than other restaurants, whoa!
Aren’t potatoes amazing in the pressure cooker! I love adding fingerlings to soups and chilis. Glad you’re having fun with your new toy!