Happy weekend! I’m so glad it’s finally here and looking forward to a fun family gathering for Easter tomorrow after a horrendous week at work. I know, I complain about work a lot, but with good reason! Things have really picked up in the last few months which is great for the company, but crazy for us when we don’t have help to tackle the work load. Days have been filled with multitasking madness and I’ve been coming home feeling drained and burned out, not sleeping as well as I’d like with so much work stuff on my mind, and having problems finding motivation and energy to go other stuff I like, like creating recipes or half-marathon training. Relief is in sight though, we’re finally hiring more help and I have a few days off coming up to look forward to because I really need a vacation!
And hanging out with our sweet pets is always a stress reliever. Miko is a very energetic and playful chihuahua, we have to keep a selection of dog toys in the house for him so he doesn’t start turning other items into toys, like my socks, shoes, and just about anything in his reach. I picked him up a new stuffed moose toy at Whole Foods and I’d say he likes it.
He’s been tearing all over the house with it like a mad man and napping with it.
Whole Foods actually carries one of the few brand of toys he can’t destroy in a few days. This little tough guy can have the stuffing ripped out of cheap toys so fast, but it takes him months to start ripping the fur off of these toys making them much cheaper for me.
My eats have not been too exciting with the stress of this week, lots of salads and smoothies – simple comfort foods that don’t require too much thinking. We did step out to try a new Vietnamese place last night for vegetable pho noodle soup and a Vietnamese beer.
It’s very bright and crisp, nice way to end a crazy week.
And I started with the fried tofu spring rolls with rice noodles and a peanut dipping sauce – very good.
Then onto the veggie pho soup which was an interesting experience, the soup is pretty basic with a veggie broth, rice noodles, and onions.
And it comes with a plate of chopped limes, basil, hot peppers, and mung bean sprouts to add for flavoring along with an array of hot sauces.
The soup was good, but truthfully not that filling lacking in the protein department. But it made a nice inexpensive and light dinner out.
On the drive home, the full moon was gorgeous! Hubby and I just had to grab the camera for the dog walk to try snapping a few pics.
Not an easy subject to snap, but it was such a crisp night.
I’m looking forward to Easter tomorrow and getting creative with more raw recipes for our family gathering, so stay tuned! :-)
Just wanted to say I for one don’t mind the complaining about work. I don’t know anyone in my “real life” who gets as stressed and overwhelmed as I do at work, so reading about your work is reassuring to me that I’m not alone. Glad to hear you are getting more help though!
oh christine i feel your pain when it comes to work. the only thing that saves me is all my days off. i am so sorry but glad to hear you are seeing some relief in sight. and i am happy you have your hubs and pups to help you destress! that helps :) hope you have a great easter today!