Happy What I Ate Wednesday! I mostly remembered to get pics of everything today and that’s something considering how this week has been!
Breakfast – My usual green monster smoothie-to-go which disappeared on the drive to work.
Kale, sprouted lentils, vanilla pea protein, carrots, Vitamineral Green, apple, frozen banana chunks, and a few drops of stevia.
Lunch – Leftover lentil and quinoa stew.
Followed by a bowl of air-popped popcorn dressed with a spritz of lemon olive oil and Braggs Liquid Aminos.
Snack – Mini oranges from our backyard and a handful of raw almonds.
Dinner – This was another fun recipe experiment. I admit, I’m not always up on the latest news and gossip lately with work being so busy and trying to balance other hobbies and life outside of it. But as I was surfing Facebook half awake this morning waiting for the first cup of coffee to kick in, I saw a few flaming posts on Paula Deen coming out about her Type 2 diabetes diagnosis 3 years ago. Truthfully I have no opinion on this because I hardly know anything about her and her shows except that her recipes are about as far from raw vegan as you can get. But awhile back, I raw vegan-ized one of her recipes in an attempt to make a comfort recipe much healthier.
I decided her announcement was the perfect excuse to do that again since I do enjoy health-izing recipes! I remember the last time being fairly easy, but not this time! I spent about an hour combing through her recipe site looking for inspiration. At first I thought maybe a salad dressing, but quickly changed my mind when I saw mostly dips packing bacon, mayonnaise, sour cream, and plenty of cheese. I finally decided on her Stuffed Red Peppers. But I had to get seriously creative after I subtracted the cheese, sour cream, pork, and beef – whew!
Raw Vegan Stuffed Peppers
- 2 carrots, chopped
- 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes
- 4 small or 2 medium tomatoes, chopped
- juice of 1/2 lemon
- 1 garlic clove
- 4 tbsp. nutritional yeast
- 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
- 1 tbsp. soy sauce
- 2 green onions, chopped
- 1 cup mushrooms, chopped
- 1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1 large or 2 small red bell peppers, sliced into halves and seeded
Place all ingredients except the red peppers into a food processor and process to a chunky, salsa-like texture. Scoop mixture into red bell pepper halves, garnish, and serve. Makes two large or four small servings.
The mixture is a little loose, but the savory and slightly spicy flavors blended beautifully with the mushrooms and slightly sweet carrots.
And preparing these cuties was much easier and faster than cooking the stuffing mixture stove top then baking it in the peppers. :-)
It made a filling and tasty dinner.
And a fun project, would you believe I’m still surfing her recipe site for more recipes to convert? :-)
Lemon oil and braggs on popcorn!? girl I learn something new from you every single day! I’m so picking up lemon oil now!!!! I’ve been eyeing it at the store and didnt’ know what to do with it! any other uses for it?
happy wiaw!!!
The oil is awesome, totally worth splurging on. :-) I use it in salad dressings too, but mainly popcorn.
lemon olive oil on popcorn (funny both me and Jenn cued into that single detail from the post) but that sounds great.
Paula D with diabetes. Well, people can talk and make their judgments. I’ll say that I enjoy my sugar and desserts and that woman has no shortage of really sinfully good dessert recipes!
Thanks on the popcorn, flavored oils are a WF splurge.
True on Paula, it’s her business and I hope she can reverse it. Still fun to redo her recipes. :-)
oh this looks so good christine! and i love how you redo recipes to suit your taste and philosophy. my week is hell too!
Aw, thanks! :-) I have so much fun health-izing recipes while trying to preserve the flavor. Happy Friday to you!
looks great Christine. I need to browse her site to find recipes to convert, thanks for the idea :)
No problem, but some of her recipes are scary. :-) Think I need to try desserts next.
Stuffed peppers is one of my favorite meals, but I have never tried a vegan version…sounds great!
This raw version came out really good and you can place the peppers into a food dehydrator for 30 minutes or so to warm them up a bit.