We are still learning loads about our newly adopted chihuahua, the most recent discovery is he hates cold weather. Add a little rain to the mixture, like today, and Miko is not a happy camper about backyard potty trips.
I’m not one who normally dresses dogs up, but we may need to get the little guy a sweeter or jacket since he hardly has any fur or fat.
Inside the warm house, it’s party time time!
Little guy loves fetching his green toy and impatiently wagging his tail at me until I toss it again.
Leela is not much of a player, unless the game is growling and snapping at Miko when he gets too close to her bed.
My game tonight was unloading a fresh farm box delivery.
And I was giddy when I saw fresh collard leaves – collard wraps for dinner!
Of course I had to invent another pate to load the wraps with getting Magyver with what I had in the pantry.
Hemp Hummus Pate
- 2 cups chopped broccoli
- 1/2 cup of sunflower
- 1/2 cup of shelled hemp seeds
- 2 tbsp. nutritional yeast
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. cumin
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1/4 cup of tahini
Place all ingredients into a food processor and process to a smooth and creamy texture. Enjoy in wraps, on crackers, or even in sandwiches. Makes about 4 servings.
Using raw broccoli in a recipe like this is nice because I chopped up and tossed in the stalks too. Why not? They’re an excellent source of flavor, fiber, and nutrients. I wouldn’t normally eat the stalk raw, but a powerful food processor can turn it into baby food.
The texture of the pate is like a savory and rich nut butter, but I did have the run the food processor for a couple of minutes to get it there.
I’m still lacking skills in making perfectly neat raw wraps, I know. And I still always chop more veggies than I can usually fit in the wrap. But it makes for a colorful mess. I layered the pate in the center of a de-stalked collard leaf, then layered on chopped red cabbage, sliced carrots, and a little Dijon mustard.
And the wraps came out great with a savory tang, crunchy and crisp texture, and a soothing creaminess from the pate. I hardly noticed the broccoli pureed into it with the rich flavors from the spices and tahini.
Hubby likes to quote The Simpsons’ Dr. Hibbert frequently about broccoli saying, “Oh yes. One of the deadliest plants on earth. It tries to warn you itself with its terrible taste.” Half jokingly and half serious since he’s not the hugest broccoli fan. This pate is not a bad way to sneak a little in for those who, uh, lack appreciation for the little green trees.
love your pretty wraps…and farm box days are the BEST! So much to choose from….I never know what to pick first. It’s overwhelming sometimes…but in a good way :)
And your doggies seriously have me missing my dogs so much and one day…maybe…we’ll get another one. You have the cutest dogs in the blogosphere :)
True on the farm box and I try to use up the older stuff in the fridge too and end up with a monster salad or crazy raw soup. :-)
Thanks on the pups, that’s a serious honor being the cutest in the blogosphere! I think it’s already gone to Miko’s head. :-)
Sounds like Miko and Baxter have a lot in common…winter was a B*TCH with Baxter…he never wanted to go outside to use the bathroom, even once he was past his puppy phase!!
Yikes, sounds like Miko is gonna be the same way when the weather starts getting really bad here with wind and freezing rain.
Aww I love Miko’s spots! I’m getting a new roommate one of these days and she’s got a Chihuahua.