Pretty much any hemp product is a super food for me for all the good fats, fiber, complete protein, nutrients, and are so darn easy to work with compared to other seeds and nuts. Hemp seeds are one of my favorite recipe ingredients. But hemp protein powder is another staple in my kitchen and currently the protein powder I use most in smoothies because it’s cheaper than most plant-based, vegan protein powders (especially when bought in bulk), it has a more complete protein, and a natural flavor that can go sweet or savory.
True, it’s not the most appetizing looking like gritty, green powder. But the flavor is not gritty and it’s versatile for adding protein to a variety of vegan dishes.
Tonight I used it to add protein to socca. Even though my attempts with making socca in the past have been hit and miss, I’m determined to perfect my socca skills!
Protein Curry Socca
- 3/4 cup garbanzo bean flour
- 1/4 cup hemp protein powder
- 1 cup water
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 tsp. curry powder
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 1 tsp. salt
Place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a greased baking pan and bake at 400 degrees for about 40 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes, slice and serve. Makes about 6 servings.
So much easier mixing in the Vita-Mix than by hand.
The color being a kind of a greyish-green isn’t gorgeous.
I served it with a hurry-up salad dressed with grated fresh ginger, toasted sesame oil, and hemp seeds.
The flavor of the sooca was very nice, a little spicy with the garlic and curry, but not too strong and not earthy from the hemp protein at all. In fact, I would have liked more curry flavor, but I’m a fan of strong curry and garlic. Thumbs up for using hemp protein powder in socca and it’s got me brainstorming for more savory recipes to use it in.
But I did flub one part of this – I didn’t use enough oil to grease the baking dish, a light layer of coconut oil is not enough for non-stick baking!
so creative! i am not normally into hemp…too earthy tasting for me…but in socca form, I think i can get on board :)
Hemp can be a little earthy tasting, but I really like it in this savory recipe and can’t wait to try more baking with it.
Hemp protein has such an unique flavor, sometimes I like it and than sometimes I don’t haha
Yay for socca! We still have it stick to pans as well, still trying to figure out why? It is the oil or the pan? ;)
True on hemp protein, but it worked well with the curry and garlic here and overall pretty good in savory dishes.
True on the sticking issue, I probably needed more coconut oil or I should have baked it in a non-stick skillet, but I hate putting those in the oven. :-P
Smacking my forehead. I really, really need to try socca!
It’s a fun thing to try and the seasoning options are endless in the Vita-Mix. I need to try this as a pizza crust next.
oh this looks fabulous. thank you for giving me the info about hemp seeds. where do you buy yours? i really want to start experimenting with them more. your socca looks gorgeous as well! you think it would turn out if you did not use a vita mix?
No problem, currently I buy hemp seeds bulk from Amazon:
I go through that 5 lb. bag about every two months and it stores easily in the freezer with no defrosting required.
Hi love!
Wow this looks pretty cool! Hemp powder sounds pretty different ; ) will have to see if I spot that out sometime at the co-op!
Happy Birthday to you tomorrow love! I hope it is beautiful! I know your husband will make it special!!!
xoxo <3
Aw, thanks! :-)
Hello!! I’ve been looking for a way to use up my hemp protein and chickpea flour. I think I found the perfect recipe!!
Your blog is really pretty, by the way :)