I’m not gonna lie, I felt that bottle of wine this morning dragging myself out of bed. So that’s why you shouldn’t do that on weeknights! :-) But work wasn’t stressful and I made it though the day today sticking with a veggie loaded Vega breakfast smoothie and a monster salad for lunch with hemp seed curry dressing. By dinner I was craving something hot and hearty, which I blame our windy and rainy weather today. Originally I bought sweet potatoes at Whole Foods over the weekend to try a new mash recipe I saw, but ended up doing something completely different with them getting inspired by a very non-vegan recipe I came across on AllRecipes using a package of Tofurky sausages I also grabbed. I was going for a recipe that non-vegan hubby and I could enjoy, but he decided to do his own thing tonight – oh well. But I still think it’s a great recipe for non-vegan family members and friends too.
Vegan Sweet Potatoes and Sausage
- 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
- 4 Tofurky sausages, sliced or crumpled
- 2 red bell peppers, chopped
- 1 onion, chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 1 cup diced fresh tomatoes
- 1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves
- 2 green onions, chopped
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 3 drops of hot pepper sauce
- 1 tsp. cumin
- salt and pepper to taste
Bring a large pot of water to boil, add potatoes and cook until tender – about 15 minutes
Heat olive oil over medium heat in a large skillet and add sausage, bell peppers, onion and garlic and cook until tender – about 8 minutes
Stir in potatoes, tomatoes, lemon juice, cilantro, green onions, pepper sauce and cumin and cook about another 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper and serve. Makes 6 servings.
While the sweet potatoes were boiling, I sous-chefed the rest of the ingredients.
Cooking the sausage with the garlic, peppers and onion.
Then mixed in the rest of the ingredients and cooked for a little more.
The sweet potatoes were nice and soft making almost a mash which I liked. If you want them more firm, boil for less time.
Then serve for a huge, one pot meal in about 30 minutes.
Because the veggies weren’t over-cooked to mush, they added a nice crisp texture to the soft sweet potato. And the Tofurky sausage was surprisingly spicy on it’s own giving this meal a lot of kick.
This does look like it would be great to serve to non-vegans! I’ve known plenty of people to be a bit freaked out by vegan sausage, but when it is chopped up like this I can’t imagine anyone would be afraid to try it. And once they did I’m sure they’d love it – it looks really good!
Thanks! True, some vegetarian and vegan sausages are freaky texture and flavor-wise. But Tofurky is actually really good with a lot of kick and hearty texture. I don’t buy them too much, just to use in occasional meals with hubby too.
I love the one pot meal…and even tho you tried to do a good deed and cook for hubby, i cant believe he did his own thing…men! Scott would have NEVER turned down potatoes and sausage. Then again, he eats what he’s served these days, i.e. lentils & veggies. Boy how times have changed :)
That was a problem even before I went vegan, I’d meal plan for the week carefully picking new recipes and recipes I thought he’d like … but turned out not so much or it wasn’t what he was in the mood for that night. Which could be really frustrating after all the planning efforts. Since we’re not cooking for a family, going with different dishes isn’t an issue.
Mmmm, that DOES look comforting on a cool day!
this looks so good. i think hubby missed out for sure :) i really like that sausage it has a lot of flavor. yes drinking mid week is not always a good idea ;)
Ha, yep– the morning after wine on the weeknights always serves as a reminder of why it DOESN’T happen more often :-)
This looks great– I like that Tofurkey sausage!
That dinner looks great! Morning after grossness is always how I convince myself to stop drinking the night before :)
That looks great! I’ve never tried tofurkey…It really doesn’t look bad, but I am just not so crazy about soy products. I wish they could make sausage out of beans or something :)
Oh…and I so know what you mean about the wine taking you down a notch the next day–not like a hangover, just blah!
Agreed, I rarely eat soy meat alternatives. But they’re good for occasional quick vegan dishes.
True on wine, think I’m still feeling it! Or maybe it’s just a long week too.
Hi love! Oh yes drinking on weeknights a no-no! Mike and I learned that before too, and I have many times on my own! I only drink on a week night if its for something special ; )
This looks good, is that tofurky sausage good?! I never had it but not sure if I would like it!
Have a great night love! xoxo
Yeah, I need to back off on the weeknight wine. :-P The Tofurkey sausage is actually really good, it has a hearty texture and nice spicy kick – perfect for marinara dishes, skillets, spaghetti sauces, etc. You should totally try it!
How did I miss this post yesterday? OMG! obsessed with it already and I haven’t even made/tasted it yet!
thanks girl!
This recipe rules! I was looking for a vegan Tofurkey sausage recipe that is pasta-less and I came across this recipe — I am glad I did! I made a few minor adjustments, adding more peppers, as well as carrots & celery… and topping with a handful or two of Daiya’s pepper-jack vegan cheese (per my boyfriend’s suggestion). So yummy and veggiful that I don’t feel so bad about the fact it has a processed meat alternative in it! Thank you so much!