Even though it was a shorter week, I’m still ready for Friday tomorrow. Miko might be too, the poor guy left his favorite monkey toy in the backyard and wandered around the house brokenhearted until I let him out to go get it.
He’s much happier now and I’m happy about how this raw broccoli soup came out. Raw broccoli is a challenge with it’s slightly bitter flavor and rough texture. And, as healthy as it is, it can be rough on the digestive system raw. For me, the only way to enjoy it raw is pureed or chopped up into small bits. This soup recipe uses the smooth texture and sweetness of a banana to balance out the harshness of raw broccoli.
Broccoli Banana Soup
- 1 cup of rough chopped broccoli
- 1 banana, peeled and chopped
- 1/4 cup shelled hemp seeds
- 1 tbsp. miso paste
- 1 tsp. onion powder
- 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1/2 cup of water
Place all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend to a smooth and creamy texture. Serve and enjoy. Makes 1 large or 2 small servings.
This recipe makes it easy to use the raw broccoli stem too which is one of my favorite parts of broccoli, it’s just a little tough to gnaw on raw.
The texture is thick, but silky smooth.
And the flavor is wonderful, a great balance of sweet and savory with a fresh broccoli flavor, but not bitter or earthy.
Creamy, cool, slightly sweet, and refreshing. It’s a great summer recipe.
Yeah! Last week sure DID NOT seem like a ‘short work week’ LOL
This soup sounds amazing! I’m much the same way about straight-up raw broccoli. My fav way to have it is to let it marinade it in small pieces in a raw soup until lunch – then it’s slightly softer but still yummy.